Posted by: getthenac | December 14, 2010

Back from Sicktown

from Wayne Wood:

I was sick for a couple of days last week. I felt terrible, and spent one entire day in bed, mostly sleeping. I didn’t read, didn’t watch TV–just curled up and slept. And then, slowly but surely, I began feeling better.

Every time this happens, at some point, I think about people with chronic illnesses who pretty much feel lousy all the time. It is heroic to feel terrible and go on with life anyway, and there are those heroes all around us: people with cancer, people with CF, people with a hundred things.

It is such a cliche to take good health for granted, and every time I’m laid low for a day or two I vow to remember how good it feels to feel good again. And then I forget until it happens again.


  1. Wayne, what a good reminder. Working at hospitals helps us keep things in perspective, doesn’t it? Hope you’re well! Best, Laurie

    • Laurie, we are doing well and follow your exploits by blog and FB. And you can blush if you want to, but you’re one of the heroes I’m referring to in this post.
      Best, Wayne

  2. What a great reminder, Wayne. When I have the flu or some other passing illness, I’m usually sure that I’ll never feel well again. Your post will, I hope, help me to keep in mind all of those who carry on in spite of their illnesses. Thanks.

  3. I think the same thing sometimes. And yes, we folk who are fortunate to be generally healthy sometimes take that for granted.

    But after working and collaborating with and becoming friends with cancer survivors over more than a decade, I think the comparisons fall short. Yes, it may spark an “oh crap, what if I felt bad all the time reaction” and make us think for a moment, but I don’t think we can for a moment feel the weight that a chronic illness or a technically terminal diagnosis holds over someone. I don’t mean this to be critical, because your post is a step toward greater connection between those who are healthy and those who face chronic/terminal illness. Just to acknowledge the vast space between the “healthy” and the “ill.”

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